Families Rising is seeking presenters

Help parents, professionals, and advocates gain skills and knowledge in foster care, adoption, and permanency-related topics at the Families Rising 2025 conference in Orlando, Florida. We encourage adoptive and foster parents, child welfare professionals, researchers, adoptees, birth parents, people who spent time in foster care, therapists, and other child advocates to submit workshop proposals.

We ask presenters to submit no more than three proposals.

  • Submit proposals by December 16, 2024
  • Dates: October 6-8, 2025
  • Location: Orlando, Florida next to Universal Studios
  • Workshop length: 60, 75, or 90 minutes
  • Online submission form



Choose the topic area of the presentation you are proposing:

1. Recruiting foster, adoptive, and kinship families
2. Pre-placement issues — licensing, training, preparation of children and prospective parents
3. Support needs after placement — post-adoption services, responding to the impact of trauma and loss
4. Parenting in adoption and foster care
5. Special considerations for older children and teens
6. Race, culture, and diversity
7. Birth family connections and kinship care
8. Agency management and systems issues
9. Therapeutic techniques and programs
10. Other

Submit proposals by December 16, 2024