Custom training created specially for your family or organization.
Families Rising works with public and private agencies, associations, parent groups, and others to create customized training for parents, professionals, and group leaders.
Our trainers have diverse expertise in foster care and adoption, including lived experience in care, in adoption and parenting through foster care or adoption.
Popular Training Topics
In addition to the custom trainings, Families Risings sponsors the most comprehensive adoption and foster care conference in North America and we also offer free and paid webinars.
What People Are Saying
“Families Rising trainings, both for professionals and families, have proven to be practical, engaging and filled with strategies that work! The fun and hope-filled trainings encourage attendees to think in new ways about the challenges they face when supporting the kids who needs us most”
—state director of adoption
“The trainings that Families Rising provided were an instant hit with our families. the combination of REAL life situations and practical solutions gave our resource parents a breath of fresh air and hope. The realization that they are not alone and that together we strive for a better future for our children was empowering.”
— founding member, Maryland Resource Parent Association
Annual Conference
Don’t miss our Families Rising Adoption and Foster Care Conference, tailored for adoptive, foster, and kinship parents, child welfare professionals, and those with lived experience in adoption and foster care. Join expert-led workshops to address diverse needs in this vital community.