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(a four-part series)

Part 1: Understanding FASD Fundamentals

Participants will learn about FASD and the various diagnoses under the spectrum within the lens of trauma. We will look at current research which shows prevalence, risk factors, and dynamics of FASD which are specific to child welfare.

Part 2: FASD Symptoms & Diagnostics

There is a wide variety of symptoms which are common for children who were prenatally exposed, we will dig into the symptoms and also cover how diagnostics for FASD work.

Part 3: Effective Strategies for Managing FASD

Some children who have an FASD have challenging behaviors which are difficult to deal with, in a family or professional setting.  We will discuss concrete strategies which adults can use which cover raging, lying and stealing as well as other behavioral challenges.

Part 4: Navigating Transitions in FASD

Most children with an FASD struggle with any type of transitions, but the most challenging one is transitioning into adulthood.  In this session, strategies for preparing our kids for adulthood will be discussed.  This is important even if you have young children, as the transition and preparation needs to start as early as possible.

Email us with any questions about your registration.